
Welcome to MICA!

Welcome to MICA – the Anglican Church in Mayfield, Islington and Carrington.

We are a Christian community looking to share and live the Good News of God’s love.
We are an inclusive Church that welcomes people of all backgrounds.
If you are Christian, Anglican or simply curious we warmly invite you to learn more
about who we are and what we believe.

We are a Church for everyone: we have traditional Sunday worship, a children’s music ministry for kids under 5 years, a Messy Church for all ages (especially families) and a vibrant young adults ministry. We’ve lots on, with many opportunities for people to know and love Jesus.

Please explore our website, come along to pray and worship with us, and discover what we are doing with our local community.

We take our name from the first letters of our suburbs – Mayfield, Islington and Carrington. We also are inspired by the words we read in Micah 6:8, which call us to act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God.

For all information about our diocesan safety policies and how to report abuse in our church please go to
